News - Page 6 of 10 - Our Merimbula

Sub Committees

The Chamber is always looking for more people to join one of our sub-committees so we can achieve our Objectives and Strategies. Our Current Sub Committees are Retail Objectives: To work with local retailers on a variety of matters relating to retail including events, workshops, online shopping, shop local and more. Sub-Committee: Lee Salisbury –

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Our Merimbula – 2020 Business Strategy

The Chamber is pleased to release our business strategy for 2020 and beyond. This has been a work in progress for the last few months and has included consultation with our members through the public meeting held at Club Sapphire in January. It takes into account the effects the bush fires have had on our

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February Update

Well January has been a bit of a blur for most of us, with the constant threat of the fires, and businesses trying to get “back to normal” as quick as possible. Of course there have been some VERY BIG challenges for our community and our businesses and the Chamber has been working hard to

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Disaster Recovery Update

Hi Everyone Firstly let me say I hope you are all safe and well. We are very aware of the devastating effects on some towns in our shire like Cobargo who have suffered heavy losses of property, businesses and even lives. Our hearts go out to them and their community. It is still too early

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Chamber Christmas Wrap

December 20, 2019 Well it’s been a busy season for the Chamber Committee and our Sub Committees. Below is a Christmas Wrap up (pun intended) of what has been happening Christmas Sub Committee The Christmas Sub Committee have done an amazing job, continuing their work right up to this week. They wrapped the telegraph poles

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Update on all activities – November 2019

It’s been a very busy time since the new committee was elected at the end of August. In the last 3 months we have taken on and covered a lot of ground, and we are only just starting to take a breath. Below is a summary of what we have been working on Executive Committee

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All Hands on Deck

Sub Committees The following sub-committees have been formed along with an outline of their objectives and a list of some of the issues they are going to tackle. Whilst some had some urgent short term, objectives, all of them need to also look at medium and long term objectives to ensure they don’t lose sight

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Local Clubs Sponsor Chamber of Commerce

Club Sapphire and Merimbula RSL have stepped it to provide major sponsorship to the Chamber in  2019. Both clubs donated $5000 as part of the Clubs Grant Program. The sponsorship was arranged by the previous committee to help support a number of initiatives including The Black Tie Gala event Pink up your town Christmas Celebrations

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